Web Hosting is the primary groundwork service that enables you to put your website files on the internet. It is a must have while trying to get your website go live. Thus, anyone who has the internet, has access to your website. Hosting a website usually means opting for a web hosting service provider like Hostinger, DreamHost among many.
So, what are the responsibilities of a service provider?
- When you use a web hosting service it becomes their responsibility to ensure that your server is up and running.
- Preventing any security breaches
- Proper storage of all your files, assets and database onto your server.
What features to look for while deciding one?
1. Limitations on bandwidth and Traffic-
Many web hosting service providers charge extra if you hit a certain limit.
2. In-built Website builder-
This is needed as it will help you to get your website online quickly.
3. Storage-
A generous storage is always a benefit as the big media files are popular and require loads of space.
4. Email Hosting Bundle-
Check if the email hosting is included in the bundle as many charge extra per email account/ email hosting.
5. Domain Registration Services-
Having two different service providers for web hosting and for domain registration is a headache. Prefer getting your domain name registered with the same service provider as of web hosting.
6. Customer Support Service-
A great customer support service is essential to get through the rough paths.
Paid vs free web hosting
Getting a paid web hosting service provider is always a better decision than getting a free one. A free hosting can face a few issues like unwanted advertising on your page, their domain name in your URL.
Whereas, a paid web hosting service gives you total control of your content on your website. The difference is also visible in bandwidth and desk space, content limitations, security breaches, domain name and URL and server speed.
Types of Web Hosting?
Web hosts offer various types of hosting and choosing one will completely depend on your website needs.
- Shared Hosting: When a web hosting provider hosts multiple different websites on the same server, it is referred to as shared hosting. This form of hosting is the least expensive and best if you are looking to start a blog, small business.
- WordPress Hosting: Hosting that is well optimized for WordPress on a server level to have a smooth sailing. WordPress hosting can function on VPS, shared or dedicated servers.
- VPS Hosting: The hosting is recommended to users who are highly experienced with server management skills. Websites that work on VPS also share a physical server with other websites.
This form of hosting is often known as “Business Hosting” or “Premium Hosting”.
- Dedicated Hosting: It means that you have the whole server. It is like taking a physical web server on lease at your service provider’s facility. Additionally, you will also receive professional support and expertise whenever needed.
- Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting is a term often used for regular shared or VPS hosting. So, look closely before selecting one. Cloud hosting basically refers to a VPS setup scalable to multiple servers.
It is a good idea to start with a low cost shared hosting plan if you are a beginner. Afterwards you can upgrade as your business grows. This strategy will save you money as you will only pay for the services that you need. Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies in the world and is highly recommended for WordPress web hosting.
You can always host your website yourself on your own computer. But, Hosting service providers excel in maintaining a platform to serve websites. This way your time will get invested into growing your business and managing your website.
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