Thursday, May 2

Lead generation paves a clear path for the growth of a business. It has changed a number of aspects in many ways. From building business relationships to ultimately closing the deals, it has helped businesses in each and every possible way. Lead generation is useful for all business sizes and for every business type in the B2B sector. As for B2C industries, lead generation is good for businesses with high involvement of purchases and where customers require nurturing. 

What is Lead Generation? 

Lead generation is the process of collecting data about people interested in your business and moving forward with them to convert them into paying customers.

Blasting customers with pushy emails is not the right technique and is no longer successful. Number of brands wanting customers’ attention are too many and thus cutting through this noise for lead generation is difficult. Customers have developed the ability to become ignorant of any such approaches and messages. Messages are only attended when they are well-tailored to their needs, challenges or opportunities and resonate with them. 

Modern lead generating includes: 1:1 targeting, consistent messages across various channels, customer education and cultivation of meaningful relationships. 

What is the need of Lead Generation for a Small Business?

  • Employment of a mature lead generation process can get up to 133% greater revenue.
  • A good lead generation system in place helps the sales team to a great extent by allowing them to invest more time in selling.
  • The process increases the credibility of your marketing process. 
  • An effective way to present tangible and solid results along with the demonstration of ROI. 

To help businesses select the best lead generation engine , we have a prepared a list of the most efficient ones –

Sumo –

Sumo allows you to use it for free or pay $39/month for advanced features. Sumo provides assistance with: 

  • list building – Sumo created pop-up buttons and CTA buttons. And, you can decide when the popup should appear on the customers’ screen.
  • Welcome mat, displayed email collection field and many other buttons and backgrounds are regulatable. You can decide where it will appear or embed it within an article. 
  • Sumo gives you share buttons before/ after the article on the left side of the screen. 

The engine mostly relies upon the rules of targeting for stirring encouragement in customers to act. The best part is that Sumo can integrate with CRM and email marketing to help you transfer leads in real-time. The tool is great for small businesses and individuals.

Marketo –

Marketo is well known as a lead generation tool for small businesses. It aims to help companies by automating and measuring marketing interactions, tasks and workflows. Some of the core features are: 

  • Cross-channel Marketing– Marketo integrates social media, email, digital marketing and other tools with ease. This helps in increased conversion rate with personalized content, dynamic chat features and in-app messages. 
  • Data and Analytics for the optimization of involved touchpoints to generate higher ROI. Allows you to identify stages at which you start losing prospective customers. 
  • Integration with CRM and use of AI to segment and target potential customers with personalized ads and messages. 
Propel –

Propel stands unbeatable as a lead generation engine. Propel has a unique way to generate leads through reviews. Reviews are often missed and ignored as just constructive criticism or appreciation but they are more than that. They are a very effective way to generate leads. Propel frees you of the hassle by automating the lead generation and taking over the follow-up process. Propel integrates smoothly with emails and presents itself as an opportunity to acquire detailed engine assistance. 

You can start with the free Lite plan or pick one with the advanced features starting at $50/month. It is more than just a widget with features working to enhance both your reviews and your leads.  

Zendesk Sell –

Zendesk Sell has customizable capabilities. It allows you to organize leads, tasks and sales along with boosting team productivity and customer experiences. A few listed features are – email integration, sales engagement tools, streamlining task completion and accurate forecasting. 

Zendesk Sell uses automation to provide more than the features mentioned above. Automated email nurturing campaigns, finding duplicate contacts and updating profiles are the main ones. 

But the biggest negative point is the tool does not offer a free plan, disabling prospective customers to get an idea.  

Qualaroo –

Qualaroo is a feedback collection solution for creating pools. The tool allows you to start campaigns using ready-made templates and later gives you access to data analytics. 

Qualaroo collects data and then uses AI to determine sentiments, automate feedback mining and cause the required response. 

As much as lead generation is important, having good quality leads is even more essential. You can generate leads through– landing pages, social media, blog content. 

Start by determining your goals and then testing out the free versions to pick the one that fits the best. Automate your strategy and focus on other core business activities to increase your conversions. 

For another interesting read on 5 Paid Media Strategies You Can Use In 2023

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