Sunday, May 19

With 875 million members LinkedIn is the best social media platform to connect professionally. But with such huge diversity follows the competition. The competition of your posts going viral, which certainly does not happen very often. To widely divide the posts into two broad categories, there are – 

1) Posts that resonate the most with the audience 

2) Posts that give advice on various specific topics.

Going viral on the platform is about putting out content before the right people. The content should make the reader want to share the piece on  social media. This is where the art of storytelling and ability to form human connections with words come to use. Your intention is to create highly relevant, useful, value giving and soulful content, not to create viral posts. This way you won’t need to try too hard and you will engage your audience authentically. 

But, why is going viral considered such a benefit? Viral posts help you close more deals.

Remember, going viral will look different for everybody. It will mostly depend on the size of your network. For example, if you have over 15K followers, then a post with 15K likes is considered viral. 

Below are a few takeaways from the viral posts on LinkedIn that you can use in your posts-


Long Posts:


Long posts are currently accepted by the readers. Ofcourse, short, to-the-point posts do well but now, so do long ones. The trend can change as per the changes in LinkedIn algorithm.


Unspoken Truths: 


One of the reasons posts get successful is because they tell the truths that are not yet spoken out loud. People want these truths vocalized. 

Also, this is one of the surest ways to go viral.


Catchy Opening:


Opening lines are important to grab attention and newspapers are well aware of it. They also motivate the reader to keep reading and increase the credibility of your post.


Personal experience:


Sharing your own success or even your failure is an awesome idea. This will make you stand out. As easy as it is to speak out about your success, it is equally courageous to talk about your failures.


Highly actionable:


Giving actionable advice on a topic to make it possible helps out your readers. This will make the post far more valuable. 


Easy to read: 


Make your post as easy as possible. Use a short, bullet list, a few emojis here and there to make it more understandable. A parameter you can use is, someone should be able to read and understand your post in 30 seconds.


Write with Boldness:


Don’t write as if you are making apologies for what you are writing. Write as if you own your words and what you are saying. 


Posting on the Right days: 


To have more engagement on your post, you have to select the right time and right days. 

Your aim is to genuinely connect with the followers by mixing both educational and inspirational content. Even the top creators on LinkedIn do all these things to create a viral post. LinkedIn’s algorithm is constantly changing but right now newsletters, polls and text-only posts are the center of attention. 

There is no exact formula that will give you a fool-proof strategy of going viral. All you can do is try and aim to provide value through your posts. Keep it simple and you’ll surely have a viral post. 

If you found the article insightful, we highly recommend you also check this one out 7 Best Practices for LinkedIn Optimization that every Business Must Use

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