With more people than ever are discovering new products or services on the internet, it has become critical to the success of modern company’s to implement powerful on-page SEO practice in order to stand out in the search engines.
Page titles are important but often overlooked, But if used correctly can help you achieve huge organic search visibility and higher clickthrough rates of your websites.
Here are a few ways to optimize your page titles and improve SEO rankings and visibility.
What is a Page Title?
A page title/ Title tag is the HTML element that acts as the title of the webpage. It is the clickable blue text that appears on listing in Search engines result pages.
Users and search engines use the page title to understand the content and purpose of the webpage. It is one of the important factors in Google algorithm ranking, where you should spend a little time and effort in optimizing the title tags.
As you create, update and optimize your page titles, here are a few tips to keep in mind and some tools which will help you
1. Give a summary of the page in brief
Your page titles serve as the guide to the readers and search engines. Make sure to direct them to a relevant page and not misleading them for the sake of clicks. The page title is the first thing users see regarding your webpage within the search results. The title helps sets a reasonable explanation of what the users will experience when they view the page.
If you have a captivating and descriptive title, users will click through your page more and SEO will be much stronger, leading to better results and rankings.
2. Keep them short and not too long
When writing the page title you have 60 characters to work with, make the most of it and not the entire available space to craft your message. Keep your title within 50-60 characters.
If your title is too short, it will be incomplete and may not be compelling and only a few users will click through it. If your title is too long, the tail end of your page title will be cut off in the SERPs and users won’t see it.
One resource that can help is Screaming Frogs’s SERP snippet view. The tool will allow you to experiment with page titles to ensure that they are not too long for search results.
3. Include your Company/Brand
Repeated exposure of your brand will increase the brand awareness with search engine users encouraging return visitors to click on your site when looking for the products and services provided by you.
For SEO purpose, consistent use of your brand name will send positive signals to the Google associating your website with your company’s name. In the long run, this may also increase the organic visibility of your website. Ranking highly for branded keywords is a key part of any effective SEO campaign.
4. Write Unique title for each page
Having the same title for 2 or more website pages can harm your SEO. Google disapproves on duplicate content and will reduce the ranking value of those pages.
If multiple pages have the same title, it is possible that Google will present the user the wrong page which will lead to higher bounce rates. Each page of a well-constructed website should be different from others. Do the same for your page titles and create unique, original messages which captivate the audience to visit your website.
If you’re unsure whether your website has duplicate page titles, run it through Screaming Frog tool. It will help you search for any duplicate page title.
5. Use Keywords Smartly
Adding relevant keywords to your page copy is necessary for attracting organic traffic to your website. Use tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to research and identify keywords to include in your page titles and overall page copy. Use long-tail keywords that accurately describe the page but have low competition, doing so will increase the page rank highly when users search for the appropriate query. However, don’t include many keywords which are irrelevant.
Targeting relevant keyword is crucial to SEO success. Google states that writing for your users should be your primary focus. You are creating information for your audience so write accordingly.
Use Page Title to Your Advantage.
Page titles can be your strong asset for SEO efforts once it is optimized. They send strong ranking signals to Google and urge users to click through to your website.
When creating page titles for your website, check these five tips to strengthen your SEO. Your search results will thank you.