While there is no one book that can be listed as the best as each contains content that is equally beneficial and good. Following are a list of books about the current popular topics that may peak your interest. 

  • The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib

The 1- Page Marketing Plan is a solid choice for marketers looking to simplify their marketing process. It will help marketers learn how to create an effective marketing plan in a single page. These reliable and compact marketing plans can result in rapid business growth.

This marketing book also ventures into topics like acquiring new clients, standing out from competitors and many more. A plus point is, the book is ideal for both new marketers and experienced professionals. 

  • Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk

Keeping the uncanny title aside, this book will engage you with its prose from the very beginning. It offers perfect advice to ace SMM and engage with a larger audience than you currently have. The book is centered around SMM and starts by diving into the science or art of winning public opinion.

The fact that the author of this book itself has witnessed the ups and downs of this industry makes it a must-read.

  • SEO 2022 by Adam Clarke 

The book was originally published back in 2013 and since then the author updates it every year. This makes the book one of the most relevant ones among the others. 

If you haven’t heard of Adam Clarke, he is a Google Ads and Google Analytics certified professional. The goal of Adam is to pass on his top SEO knowledge to his readers. It covers quite a number of topics including how google works in just 250 words. 

Workweek’s finally over. Have a great weekend!

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