Throughout the years, search engine optimization has prompted various external link building strategies, some malicious and some not. One of the many third party link building strategies that still, right up ’til today, work great when done right – is guest blogging.

However, how would you find guest blogging sites? How would you benefit as much as possible from this open door for quality and contextual links that won’t just improve your SEO, yet in addition your visibility?

1. Use lists of websites that accept guest posts

guest blogging

Since guest blogging is such a mainstream and a widespread tactic, there are a ton of lists out there made by different bloggers with blogs from a wide range of niches. Furthermore, they’re regularly classified by topic and put in authority or “list of – your choice of keyword – blogs that accept guest posts”.

A fast google search will probably give you various lists of blogs that accept guest bloggers. You should simply google “blogging sites that accept guest blogs” rundown of sites that acknowledge visitor posts”, just as “rundown of – your catchphrase – web journals that acknowledge visitor posts”.

2. Google your key terms to discover guest blogging sites

guest blogging

One of the simplest and most direct approaches to look for guest blogging sites is to google your search terms.

There are various key terms you can use to find a lot of websites; fundamentally, you have to begin the search with your keywords; for instance, You are looking for advertising blog that accepts guest posts. Then you should try various keywords like advertising, online advertising, types of advertising etc.

It’s likewise important that you should look at various pages of results and not simply a primary couple of pages; by and large, you can discover extraordinary opportunities even on the 5th or 10th page.

3. Look for guest blogging websites in reverse

guest blogging

Another approach to discovering applicable guest blogging sites is to have a look at your competitor’s site and find where they are guest blogging and which websites they have written for.

There are two or three approaches to this.

Start following bloggers from your niche and identify popular blogs in your genre. A few names will start popping and you will be able to see who has guest blogged on which site.

You can scan for this by utilizing these questions: “a guest commitment by” “guest post by”

4. Use tools which enable you to discover guest posting opportunities

guest blogging

Another strategy for discovering guest posting opportunities is to use various tools to help with your research, for instance:

  • Content research tools
  • Audience overlap tools
  • Social listening tools

On account of content research tools, you can utilize devices like Buzzsumo to search guest blogs. Use your keywords to look up for guest blogs, keyword + “guest post by” is what you can use to search. This will help you find relatable blogs in your niche that accept guest posts.

In case of social listening tools, some enable you to look through the whole web (social media, news sites, blogs, and forums) while others center exclusively around social media– both the alternatives can yield incredible outcomes.

Guest blogging has faced a lot of challenges, yet is a highly effective technique for link-building. It’s a great way to drive more traffic, reach a wider audience and share your knowledge in your niche.

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